Thursday, March 11, 2021

Former Porters of Racine block in downtown Racine sold to Cardinal Capital

From The Milwaukee Business Journal:

The vacant former Porters of Racine block is next to the Racine County Courthouse.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the $6.5 M Market Rate Apartments with shops promised by former Ratcine Mayor Lying' John Dickert and best Bud Micah Waters? How much taxpayer $$$$$ did Micah Waters get? And how about all that taxpayer $$$$ spent on the project that failed to start? Was it all a SCAM - O- RAMA from the start?

    Racine Journal Times: Porters of Racine to become $5.5 million development
    February 10, 2012
    Site Staff

    RACINE — The former Porters of Racine’s owners Thursday announced a $5.5 million redevelopment of the building into 37 apartments and seven ground-floor retail spaces.
