Saturday, March 6, 2021

Foxconn Lied

From A Better Mt. Pleasant:

Also, no ventilators, no coffee kiosks, no security systems, no google servers. Our village spent $1 billion chasing lies and no one is apparently responsible for it.
Funny how that works.


1 comment:

  1. The Marks who continue to live in David DeGoof's MTP and their money are parted every day - and given to Fatcat Corporate interests and Fatcat public employees, most of whom aren't worth a Damn! Lots of gold plated boat anchors warming a seat at MTP Village Hall and MTP PD waiting for retirement - and then after *Looting* Village Residents it's either double dipping because of political connections or scooting down South to evade State income taxes. SCAM - O - RAMA Mount Pleasant!
