Tuesday, March 9, 2021

In Embarrassing Senior Moment, Biden Forgets What Pentagon's Called, Blanks On Secretary Of Defense Name

From ZeroHedge:

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, MAR 08, 2021 - 18:25

Joe Biden appears to be getting worse.

After bumbling through a public appearance last week - at one point mumbling "What am I doing here?" while forgetting the names of key Democrats, the President of the United States on Monday couldn't remember the name of the Pentagon, or his own Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin - who spoke minutes before Biden took the stage to offer remarks during International Women's Day.

Here's a very confused Biden on March 1st asking what he's doing there:

Perhaps that's why Biden's handlers won't let him answer questions:

On Monday, the Washington Post noted that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking an "unusually large role" in shaping Biden's foreign policy - having spoken with six world leaders independently of Biden, and was a "vocal participant in deliberations over how to respond to Iran-backed militias’ attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq, as well as whether to sanction Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi," according to the White House.

Of course, both Biden and Harris did refer to the "Harris administration" on more than one occasion during the 2020 election.

Bombs -- away?

In late February, dozens of House Democrats asked Biden to relinquish sole authority to use nuclear weapons, since "The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war," should Biden - or a future president - choose to launch nukes without consulting advisers.

Two weeks later, a bipartisan group of Senators introduced legislation which would strip Biden of the ability to launch military operations without first seeking congressional approval after Biden bombed Syria.

Former Clinton insider Dick Morris predicted that Democrats will invoke the 25th Amendment on Biden "So that a strike could not be launched without consulting with his Cabinet or with leaders of Congress, something that no president has been asked to do in 76 years since we’ve had the bomb," adding "I think both of those indicate that the Democrats have in the back of their minds, and increasingly towards the front of their minds, moving to oust Biden under the 25th Amendment."

Amazing, considering Biden received the most votes in history.

From: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/embarrassing-senior-moment-biden-forgets-what-pentagon-called-blanks-secretary-defense

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