Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Instagram Rolls Out New Way to Say Something Stupid in Public


 Instagram is expanding its livestreaming offerings with a new feature dubbed Live Rooms, which is just like Instagram Live but with up to three more people haphazardly broadcasting their thoughts into the world simultaneously.

Instagram’s Live Rooms add to the increasingly crowded livestreaming space, which includes everything from Twitch to TikTok, to audio-only Clubhouse and Twitter’s Spaces. And because most of us have absolutely no business livestreaming for any reason, it also represents an increasing focus on social media geared towards professional creators, celebrities, and brands while creating new moderation challenges for the platforms themselves.

The functionality of Live Rooms is simple and straightforward. From the home screen on Instagram, swipe left and select the Live option. You can add a title and then tap on the users who you’d like to include. Live Rooms also lets the person who launches the stream to add “guests” to join them mid-broadcast: “for example, you could start with two guests, and add a surprise guest as the third participant later! 🥳,” Instagram writes in its press release about the feature.

Read more: https://gizmodo.com/instagram-rolls-out-new-way-to-say-something-stupid-in-1846380245

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