Friday, March 5, 2021

Newsom Urges Double-Masking For All Californians, Will Not Make "Terrible Mistake" Like Texas

From ZeroHedge:
Tyler Durden's Photo
FRIDAY, MAR 05, 2021 - 4:25

Having immediately decried the actions of Texas and Mississippi - in giving their citizens back some freedom and the ability to think for themselves - as "absolutely reckless," California Governor Gavin Newsom has doubled-down (literally) on the virtue-signaling.

“We will be doubling down on mask wearing,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday, “not arguing to follow the example of Texas and other states that I think are making a terrible mistake.”

The Sacramento Bee is reporting tonight that new state health guidelines announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday recommend that Californians wear two cloth masks or one filtered mask when going out in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We are encouraging people basically to double down on mask wearing, particularly in light of all what I would argue is bad information coming from at least four states in this country. We will not be walking down their path, we’re mindful of your health and our future,” Newsom said.

To Newsom’s point about doubling down, California updated its recommendations for mask wearing on Thursday with the following:

“‘Double masking’ is an effective way to improve fit and filtration. A close-fitting cloth mask can be worn on top of a surgical/disposable mask to improve the seal of the mask to the face.”

InterestinglyNewsom also announced Thursday that counties across the state could be cleared to open more businesses and lift other restrictions sooner than anticipated under an update that loosens some requirements in his Blueprint for a Safer Economy.

So he is easing restrictions (cough recall pandering cough), like Texas; and at the same time urging 'double masking'?

Of course, he will claim he is 'just following the science' but as AIER's Paul Alexander detailed at length, why the CDC's mask-mandate study is fault-ridden:

Based on our assessment of this CDC mask mandate report, we find ourselves troubled by the study methods themselves and by extension, the conclusions drawn. The real-world evidence exists and indicates that in various countries and US states, when mask mandates were followed consistently, there was an inexorable increase in case counts. We have seen that in states and countries that already have a high frequency of mask wearing that adding mandates had little effect. There was no (zero) benefit of adding a mask mandate in Austria, Germany, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy, and states like California, Hawaii, and Texas. Importantly, we do not ascribe a cause-effect relationship between the implementation of mask mandates and the rise in case rates, but we also demand the same approach when it comes to claiming some sort of causal relationship between the introduction of mask mandates and likely claims by the CDC that their findings could support their implementation countrywide. 

We think that inclusion of such evidence on the failures of masks mandates globally and states within the US would have made for more balanced, comprehensive, and fully-informed reporting.


Trusting the science means relying on the scientific process and method and not merely ‘following the leader.’ It is not the same as trusting, without verification, the conclusory statements of human beings simply because they have scientific training or credentials.

Read more here...

History does not bode well for times that politics meddles with science. Martin Kulldorff, a professor at Harvard Medical School and a leader in disease surveillance methods and infectious disease outbreaks, describes the current COVID scientific environment this way: “After 300 years, the Age of Enlightenment has ended.

We wonder how a citizenry that is already demanding his recall will react to this latest escalation in restrictions.


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