Thursday, March 4, 2021

Ron Johnson pledges to slow down passage of stimulus bill with out-loud reading of 700-page document

From JSOnline:
Laura Schulte
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is pledging to slow down the next coronavirus stimulus package — and its $1,400 checks for Americans.

The Oshkosh Republican on Wednesday afternoon promised to force a full reading of the bill while speaking on The Vicki McKenna Show. He said that reading the entirety of the document would likely take up to 10 hours. 

"I will make them read their 600- to 700-page bill," he said on the radio program. "So that every member of the Senate would have time to read it ... before we start the debate on it." 

After the reading, Johnson said he is prepared to continue to use parliamentary procedure to slow down a full vote by introducing as many amendments as he can. He hopes the price tag of the bill will go down substantially by the end of the debate by eliminating portions of the bill he sees as unfit. 

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