Thursday, April 15, 2021

'Bring awareness to the racial inequity': Ripon College embraces diversity with mural

Ripon College students work on a mural on the side of Johnson Residence Hall Monday with the message “Diverse Not Different.” The mural faces Thorne Street and has the goal of bringing awareness to racial inequity.

 A 4-foot by 26-foot mural celebrating the message of diversity went up this week at Ripon College.

Primer was applied last week, with painting starting Monday on the side of Johnson Residence Hall facing Thorne Street.

The mural is effectively be on campus while still being visible to anyone in the city of Ripon.

Painting II students of Professor of Art Rafael Francisco Salas submitted proposals for the design, which then were sent to diversity groups on campus for feedback. The winning design is by Bailey Zanck ’22 of New Berlin, Wisconsin.

 “The goal of this project is to bring awareness to the racial inequity that plagues modern society through the use of a large-scale mural on Ripon College grounds,” Zanck says. “The anticipated outcomes for this project include the increase in awareness on the topic of racial inequity as well as the backlash that often follows this discussion.

"Through implementing the mural, however, I hope to alleviate some of the tension by starting a conversation.”

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