Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Flanked by victims of priests, Attorney General Josh Kaul announces probe of clergy sex abuse

From JSOnline:
Haley BeMillerLaura Schulte

MADISON - Attorney General Josh Kaul on Tuesday announced an investigation into clergy sexual abuse across Wisconsin, saying the review will help survivors heal and provide greater accountability for perpetrators. 

The probe, which USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin first reported Thursday, will be led by the state Department of Justice and focus on abuse allegations against Catholic clergy and other faith leaders — many of which date back decades and involve religious officials who are now dead. 

Wisconsin is home to five dioceses, including the Archdiocese of  Milwaukee, and religious orders such as the Norbertines in De Pere. 

"I would like to say to survivors of clergy and faith leader abuse: We hear you. We know how important this is," Kaul said at a news conference outside the state Capitol in Madison.

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