Friday, April 16, 2021

Wisconsin Republicans won't allow medical or recreational marijuana, top Republican says

From JSOnline:
Patrick Marley
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MADISON - Republicans in the Legislature won't legalize medical or recreational marijuana, the leader of the state Senate said Thursday.

"We don’t have support from the caucus. That’s pretty clear, that we don’t have 17 votes in the caucus for medicinal purposes or recreational purposes (to) legalize it," Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu of Oostburg said, referring to the minimum number of votes needed to pass a bill in the Senate. 

LeMahieu and other Republican leaders for weeks have made clear they will not go along with Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' proposal to legalize recreational marijuana.

But some Republicans back medical marijuana and it appeared possible that legislation on that issue could get through the Legislature.

During a virtual question-and-answer session with WisPolitics on Thursday, LeMahieu made clear that wouldn't happen. Legalizing marijuana for medical reasons should be left to the federal government, he said.

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