Saturday, May 15, 2021

Racine mayor suspends enforcement of mask mandate



As of noon Friday, enforcement of Racine's mask ordinance is no longer being enforced.

Continuing Coverage: Coronavirus in Wisconsin


Mayor Cory Mason issued an emergency declaration Friday.

"Earlier this week, the CDC, issued new guidance which said fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance," Mason said in a written statement.

“The City of Racine has always said we will follow the best public health guidance from the CDC and other experts as we work to mitigate COVID-19 locally. The CDC issued this new guidance because of the success the nation is having in getting people vaccinated, especially in major population centers. However, this new guidance also means that the City’s mask ordinance is now outdated and nearly impossible to enforce, which is why Public Health Administrator Bowersox, ask for an emergency order of suspension," Mason said.

Mason said he will ask the Common Council to fully repeal the ordinance at their meeting on Tuesday.

It does not mean everyone will be able allowed to not wear a mask.

Mason said private businesses, institutions and residences can still require masks. He also said the CDC still recommends people wear masks if they are not fully vaccinated.

Mason said since most children are not fully vaccinated, Racine schools will continue to follow CDC guidelines.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. Butterball Mc Mayopr Mason sezs something through his personal spokesperson.

    Hey Butterball - GO FUCK YOURSELF!
