Saturday, May 29, 2021

Racine reopening public buildings beginning June 1

From CBS 58:

RACINE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The city of Racine announced Friday, May 28, it is reopening all city buildings to the public beginning Tuesday, June 1. However, there will still be safety precautions in place. 

Everyone including guests and employees must wear masks when inside the buildings. Also, the public drinking fountains will be either disconnected or only used for filling water bottles. 

“With a majority of City employees vaccinated and an increasing number of City residents getting vaccinated, we are confident we can re-open City buildings. Safety measures have been implemented to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in each department,” said Dottie-Kay Bowersox, Public Health Administrator for the City of Racine.

More safety measures the public should expect to see when entering City buildings include:

  • Community members who enter or engage in services within City buildings shall be responsive and compliant with City Departments’ risk-mitigation plans. Those plans may vary based on department or building. Failure to comply with those plans may result in community members being asked to leave.
  • City employees will also be required to wear masks when inside City buildings, and City contractors and vendors are required to follow the same policies as City employees.
“I am happy to be able to open City buildings to the public once again after more than a year. Making sure a majority of our staff was fully vaccinated was key to re-opening our buildings. I hope that more and more community members will also get vaccinated so that we can lift the safety measure we have in place. I look forward to having a summer where our residents can enjoy our community centers, browse the Library, or come visit the Clerk’s office to get register to vote,” said Mayor Cory Mason.


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