Saturday, October 30, 2021

Bombshell Press Conference: Wisconsin Sheriff Shows Massive Voter Fraud in Nursing Homes Helped Steal 2020 Election

 Until this morning, only a handful of people were aware that Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling would be unveiling the results of an extensive investigation into Wisconsin voter fraud. The surprise press conference was quickly picked up by Right Side Broadcasting Network and others, and the bombs were dropped left and right.

According to The Gateway Pundit:

Today during the press conference the Racine Sheriff’s Office brought forth evidence that the Wisconsin Election’s Commission BROKE THE LAW.

The Wisconsin Election’s Commission took advantage of senior citizens in nursing homes who had their votes stolen. This was illegal behavior against Wisconsin State Law. The Wisconsin Election Commission sent out instructions to nursing homes in all 72 counties on how to break state law with their residents!

There were nearly 200,000 more “indefinitely confined voters” who allegedly voted in 2020 than in 2016. This fact alone should draw massive investigations at both the state and federal level, and perhaps if former Attorney General William Barr wasn’t part of the Deep State that installed Joe Biden, there would have been investigations across the country. Instead, we’ve just been fed an incessant series of lies telling us there was no voter fraud and Joe Biden is the most popular president in American history.

Biden allegedly won Wisconsin by a mere 20,000 votes. In nursing homes along, there are ten-times that many that are questionable at best.

Sheriff Schmaling has submitted the results of his investigation to the Attorney General. The way it’s laid out during the press conference, one would think this is a slam dunk prepared to happen. But it’s 2021 and the conspiracy to install Joe Biden last year is so widespread, there’s no telling whether this will get the attention it desperately deserves.

The fight to reverse the fraudulent results of the 2020 election is ongoing even if the vast majority in “conservative” media have moved on and accepted as successful the attack on the Constitution. We will continue to press forward with the fight and reveal as much information as we can when it comes available. This particular bit of news is huge and needs to be spread far and wide. Kudos to Sheriff Schmaling and his team.

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