Wednesday, January 5, 2022

California Teachers Brainwash 12-Year-Old Girl Into Thinking She’s a Boy

This eloquent gentleman of color is also upset about it

And now this.

Something that is going on in schools all across America, every day, on a scale you can’t imagine.

Life Site News:

Outraged parents blasted schoolteachers and administrators who had undermined their parenting and placed their kids’ lives in danger by covertly funneling their children into programs where they were groomed to assume transgender or other LGBTQ+ identities.

Two teachers at Buena Vista Middle School — Kelly Baraki and Lori Caldeira — reportedly coaxed a 12-year-old into believing she was not a girl but a trans boy and, with the support of administrators, changed the girl’s name and pronouns.

During a packed school board meeting this week, the girl’s mom took to the podium to excoriate the school staff.

“My child almost lost her life. They didn’t tell me that my child was suicidal,” explained the mother, identified as Jessica Konen. “You allowed these teachers to open their classrooms teaching predatorial information to a young child, my child, who doesn’t even know how to comprehend it all.”

“Do they have psychiatry degrees that I am unaware of?” Konen asked. “Because I did not hire them to sit there and nitpick my child’s brain.”

“You took away my ability to parent my child. You planted seeds,” she told the teachers and staff who interfered with her child’s life.

“Your job was to educate my child in math, science, English, etc. Do your job and let me do mine,” she said to thunderous applause from the standing-room-only crowd.

“Miss Caldeira, you’re guilty. Miss Baraki, you’re guilty,” said the mom, pronouncing sentences on the teachers who wrought havoc in her daughter’s life. “You changed her personal documentation, her gender, her name, her email.”

“You’ve gone too far,” she added.

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