Saturday, January 8, 2022

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson poised to announce run for a third term as early as next week, according to sources

From JSOnline:

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson appears poised to announce as early as next week that he's running for reelection, according to two highly placed Republican sources.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has learned that in recent weeks Johnson reached out to potential staffers and advisers in preparation for the campaign.

High on Johnson's to-do list: hiring a campaign manager and a general consultant.

Johnson has drawn out his decision-making for months even as a large field of Democrats assembled to take him on in the midterms. By running, the Oshkosh Republican will be breaking a past campaign pledge to serve only two terms. 

"I'm not ready to say anything," Johnson told CNN, which reported that Republicans were bullish about prospects that he would run again.

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