Friday, January 14, 2022

WWII veteran celebrates 100th birthday in Racine

From Fox6Now:

Peter Christofferson celebrated his 100th birthday on Thursday, Jan. 13, and the Park View Senior Apartments in Racine held a party to celebrate the World War II veteran.

Christofferson's family said, aside from his U.S. Navy service, he has volunteered and given a lot during his life. He won the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award from Lions Club International for humanitarian services.

So what does Christofferson believe helped him get to 100 years old?

"Take the good with the bad, because sometimes the road gets a little rough, but it smooths out again afterward," he said. "Laugh a lot, laughter is good medicine."

The celebration did not end Thursday. His family is holding another party for him on Saturday.


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