Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saying too many kids are in juvenile corrections, this Milwaukee program is looking for a better way

From JSOnline:

La Risa R. Lynch
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin spends about $400,000 a year to house just one youth in its juvenile correction system.

A group of Milwaukee advocates, foundations and state officials wants to use that same amount to fund organizations to keep youth out of juvenile detention centers.

Zero Youth Corrections aims to award up to $400,000 to fund groups working on advocacy and policy issues that prevent the impact of the criminal and legal system on young people. The grant is providing two grants with a maximum award of $200,000 each.

“The goal of what we are trying to do is in the name — Zero Youth Corrections,” said Krissie Fung, operations and grants manager for the Milwaukee Turners. “We think it is a no-brainer that young people should not be incarcerated. Obviously, we are not able to accomplish that with $400,000 or $200,000 at a time, but that is the goal.”

Read more:

I spend the better part of every morning scanning YouTube videos.  Many of these deal with the soaring crime rate in California, where they have removed the consequences from crime.  Citizens and business owners are at their wits end.  Businesses are moving out wholesale.  "Do-gooders," like those referenced in this article, do their "good" not because it helps the target of their largesse, but because it makes them feel better about themselves.  You do not "help" someone by "forgiving" their crimes; you just enable more criminal activity.  This is so obvious and is proven over and over in the field.  You have to change the culture that nourishes these criminals.  If you could find a way to make parents accept responsibility for their failure to parent their children, then you would have something.  Removing the consequences from crime just encourages more crime.  "Woke" people are a joke.  I am deeply saddened by this travesty.  Read this article from the same day's JSOnline:   If the teen had been incarcerated for his previous crimes, a man would be alive today.

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