Monday, June 9, 2008

Flooding in Racine

For anyone that missed it, below is an excerpt from "Mayor" Becker in today's JT online. I am posting it here, along with my comment, since we all know anything negative said about Becker will get deleted by the JT Nazi Camp.

“For four, five, six inches of rain, it’s not a big deal,” Becker said. “Where we have water is where you would think we would have water. There are no big surprises that I’ve come across.”

Around 9 Sunday night, Becker changed his mind.

“It’s turning into a bigger deal than we thought,” Becker said. “We might have some serious problems before this is all said and done.”

Are you SERIOUS? What a Moron. This guy needs to get his head out of his behind for once. Just because he was okay meant this wasn't a big deal at first??? GARY: NEXT TIME, GET IN YOUR CAR AND DRIVE AROUND THE DAMN CITY BEFORE YOU MAKE AN IDIOTIC STATEMENT AND HAVE TO PUT YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH!


  1. That would entail leaving the bar a little early.......

  2. He left the bar? I thought his comments were made from the bar.

  3. If Gary (Mayor Milk Carton) Becker would ever get out into the community,(Other than Illegal Immigrant rallys and Ivanhoe's) and see whats going on rather than making speeches in other states, he might see the suffering some residents are going through. Do you think your artists will like the floods Gary? Or better yet, maybe the grant writer can work some cash out of this for the artist district?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OK, so I had to delete my own double posted comment.

    Perhaps I should leave the bar myself ...

  6. The Absentee Mayor doesn't notice much until his back teeth are floating.

    Party on, Becker!

  7. I guess the river flowing over would be like "Breaking the seal" for the first time..........

  8. God, this man is such a tremendous asshole.

    My daughter had to get west of I94 this morning. 4 mile, closed. Six Mile, closed. She finally made it through 5 mile, north to G, west to the expressway.

    Spring street is closed. There is standing water everywhere. More rain is on the way.

    Yeah, Pecker, no big deal.

  9. I'd like him to tell my cousin, his wife and 3 kids that this was no big deal. They were awaken at 2:30am to move their vehicles, then again at 3:00am to evacuate.

    Gary, isn't it supposed to be puff, puff, pass not puff, puff, puff?

  10. My sister and her husband have been pumping water out of their basement all morning. One of his brothers is completely flooded out of his house on Spring St.

    But don't worry - downtown is OK.

  11. I think the Mayor is doing a fine job.

  12. I left early for work this morning thinking that roads or bridges may closed. Sure enough, I could tell that 4 Mile was at one point.As I drove over the bridge on 4 Mile,I noticed the water was-just below-the bridge. A little scary for my liking.

    Just a little bit of water there,huh,Becker? Tch,tch.

  13. It is amazing to me how stupid people eventually take themselves out. No one needs to do it for them. When Spring Street is CLOSED.....I would say there is water where we DON'T expect it. I'm sure he would love to take back those words.
