Monday, June 9, 2008

Things we know, but cannot prove

Dandelions know how to duck.


  1. Not only do they duck, but they clone themselves whenever you turn your back.

  2. I wish I could clone myself. That would be AWESOME!

  3. God would never allow there to be two of me. lol

  4. OK, I'm an oddball. My lizards count on them ducking so they can eat them. Very nutritious stuff actually, they LOVE dandelions.

    Up until this year, we have protected ours,(even dug up 2 giant plants to bring inside for them for the winter!) but alas, the Creeping Charlie is taking over the yard by storm, we have to cave and get sprayed, my boys will be so bummed not to be able to have free reign of the yard :(

  5. I know I exist... but only you can prove it. Too existential or deep for ya?
