Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday's Lost Video

Hey Guys....

I've been on Vacation this week, and keeping kinda busy and quiet, but had to continue my friday "tradition".

This weeks lost video is "These are the days" By 10,000 Maniacs. Natalie Merchant's voice can melt my soul. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks Stu. I love her voice, too. I saw her on tour once with Alanis Morissette.

    I read somewhere that she's conceited, but I know how hard it is to be humble when you're great.

  2. Another winner Stu. Thanks. Whew, talk about vertigo!

  3. I like the 10,000 Maniacs,too. Natalie Merchant has sure got a good voice.

    Orbs-You saw Alanis Morrisette in concert? Now I'm jealous.
