Friday, July 18, 2008

"U.S. hits weight marker: 1 in 4 officially obese",0,1912364.story

I know that I'm doing my part. I usually eat two meals a day. In the evening on into the night, though, I'm online, or watching TV, or watching a DVD, or listening to music, or any combination, all of them on my computer, while snacking on garbage, primarily ice cream and chocolate. I was amazed the other day at the doctor's office to find that I'd lost 6 pounds. The heat must be sweating it out of me.


  1. Sad, but I believe it completely. I gained a booty load (literally) of wieght - about 40 pounds - in the last year when I quit smoking. So much so that I kind of freaked out when I got on the scale at the Dr.'s office.

    So, I joined Weight Watchers last week. It was a surreal experience being there. There are people there who have already successfully lost their weight and are "lifetime" members, I hate them :). On the other extreme, there are people there who have more weight to loose then I weigh. Even in the early morning on a weekend, there were over 40 people at that meeting. Amazing.

  2. Hang in there homemomof2. My doctor told me that quitting smoking was worth it even if I gained 100 pounds.

    Lifetime members, eh? Yeah, I've met others like them in self-help groups. They like the support and interaction. We all need help sometimes.

  3. I'm just relieved that you didn't post a picture of my butt!

  4. Yikes, that is kinda creepy! No cameras and definitely NO up-skirting Orbs!
