Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Pie

Okay, here is the recipe.....
Key Lime Coconut Pie
(if using fresh limes, you will need about four juicy limes to produce 1/2 C of juice)

1 Can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
4 egg yolks
1/2 C lime juice (either Key Lime or plain old lime will do)
1 tsp grated lime zest
1 prepared graham cracker crust
1 C heavy cream
2 T sugar
1/4 tsp imitation coconut extract
3 T sweetened flaked coconut
Lime slices (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. In a bowl wisk together the egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk. Slowly stir in the lime juice and lime zest. Pour filling into crust. Bake 15 minutes or until filling is set. Cool completely and rack.

Beat cream, surgar, and extract until still peaks form. Spread or pipe over pie...sprinkle with the coconut. If desired garnish with lime slices. Chill until serving.

I froze the pies and just put the whipped cream mixture on at the last minute.

I am so glad you enjoyed it KK!


  1. Okay, so it should be cooled on a'rack' and that should be sugar instead of 'surgar.' still should be 'until.' What can I tell you I was at the fish bash last fingers are still asleep.

  2. The pie was better than I had imagined. Thanks for posting the recipe again. I am saving it and plan to make it sometime. Abby never showed up last night, so I shared some of it with family who thought it was wonderful too. Thanks again, what a surprise! Have a safe trip back. So glad you could come!

  3. If any of our contributors are in need of someone to eat the goodies that they bake/make, I humbly offer my services.

  4. Orbs, I'll call you the next time I have a cooking 'crisis' and I have more than I can handle - it DOES happen!! :)

  5. best.pie.ever

    Sorry we didn't get to talk more yesterday; I was hiding in the basement, expecting all the missing people to come back (and then it was time to go!) I didn't realized the party had moved outside, silly me!
    But I always stake out by the food, esp when it's soooo good;-)
    Safe travels!

  6. Cyndi, we didn't mean to leave you in the basement...honest!

    I really enjoyed seeing everyone.

    And Orbs, sure anytime I need my leftovers scarfed down, we know you will be up to the task.

  7. OK.. I demand you make me one of those!! ;)
    Sounds soooooo good!

  8. "More people will come if they think there is punch and pie!"

  9. I'm sitting here guilty.... only two pieces left. I've moved it to the back of the fridge to hide it from family....

  10. Abby, where is Abby??? Anyway, Abby I think I saw your daughter down on the Big Fish Bash yesterday. I'm telling you guys I cannot come back to Racine County in the summer, I am exhausted. But Abby's daughter sure can dance! She is so cute!

    For the first time in probably 20 years, I was at the Oasis, did the Fish thingy and have visited all sorts of places I had forgotten about.

    Lastly, I normally do NOT drink beer. I think this weekend my niece's husband (Miller salesman) would be so proud of how much I managed to down and stay upright. (I did not drive!) Five beers in one night, can you imagine! Yeah, I know, I'm an amateur.

    Thanks again for the great time and making me feel so welcome.
