Friday, August 1, 2008

HI all Abby made it to the show. Thanks for the invite

I like what I've seen here so far.........


  1. Welcome Abby! I didn't get to talk to you much at the picnic, but what I did hear proved to me that you have the warped sense of humor it takes to be an Irregular.

  2. Abby, I'm so happy you made it.

    Welcome to our world!

  3. Welcome Abby!! Glad that you can make it.

  4. Orbs, sorry we didn't get to talk more but I had to get out of there Beejay's (that instigator) wine started to get to me and I needed to get my buns home.

    Thanks all for the welcomes and Have a great weekend.

  5. So sorry, Abby...but it was the ice you put in the wine that affected you. I am sure of it.

  6. Yeah, you shoulda seen what happened after you left and we polished off the rest of the booze. I tell ya, it's hard to make an old coot like me blush. but some of you people are a little too kinky for me. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, SER.)

  7. Abby welcome! Sorry I didn't get to talk to you at the picinic.....I wasn't there.

  8. YEA!!!!!!! That covers it all!
    : ) Margaritas to celebrate?

  9. Holy bajesus Abby, I thought you got lost in traffic. Welcome Home!!!

    It was the ice which gave you a problem; ya should’a drank beer,’ it’s harder to put the ice in a can.

    Orbs is right...kinky is good, especially with Margaritas....

  10. Hey Abby girl! I've been a little lost myself; had my reunion last week (ack!) and have been catching up with new/old friends the past few days (including an old flame, oooolala), and riding my bike like a fiend to burn off the left over teenage angst.
    Me, I can't drink wine unless it's beddy bye time, no fun:-(

  11. AHHH it's good to be home.........

    Orbs..........Naughty (kinky) is not so bad.

    Ser, traffic was hell but i'm worth the wait,,,,,,,,,

    Cyndi how'd the reunion go any ways? Hows he look still?

    KK I am sooo ready for a Margarita,,, would be good soon!!!!!!
    Hint hint!!!!

    Logjam...totally sorry I didn't hear a word you said at the picnic........heehee sorry you missed it.........

    Beejay it WAS the ice I took some in and had it naughty girl...........

    AA, Liz and Drew, Thanks and luv ya..........

  12. Abby, I think we need to invite cyndi along for those margaritas.... she has some "dirt" to share about her teenage angst, methinks... lol
