Friday, August 1, 2008

Mayor Becker Invites Journal Times' Bloggers To Meet With Him

Tomorrow, Saturday, at Java Vino, in beautiful downtown Racine, at 10 AM:

The mayor's original post appears in the Journal Times' newsblog about the mayor's meeting with neighborhood residents at the King Center on Wednesday:

The text of his message:

Mayor gary becker wrote: July 31, 2008 2:54PM CST
WOW! ! ! The negative tone on this blog is amazing. This was a meeting set up weeks ago to listen to the neighbors about their opinions on a number of issues that will directly impact their area. Not sure where the negativism comes from on something as simple as neighborhood outreach.

I can see some people have some input that I am missing, but I would like to hear from them.

So here is the deal, I will be at Java Vino on Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. I invite any of the bloggers with ideas, comments and criticisms to come out from behind their anonymous keyboards and sit down and talk, face to face, person to person.

Hope to see you on Saturday.

I hope the post is for real and not a troll. :P

Does the invitation extend to "irregular" bloggers?


  1. I'm sure it does and I hope everyone who can attend meets with him.

    This is the beginning of community involvement. And I think the bloggers can be proud of themselves for getting him to issue this invitation.

    Good job, guys.

  2. I'm going to go, but in disguise: I won't bring my pipe.

  3. I'll be there. Any of my fellow irregulars going?

    As a side note, JT has placed an automatic censor on the comments. Check this out. This is what they did to my "ass" entries when I added comments to the Mayoral meeting story:

    AvengingAngel wrote: August 1, 2008 9:00AM CST
    As a frequent rock thrower and irregular, I will definitely be there.

    BTW, BwzrJr, Thanks for your service, best of luck, kick some ###, come back safe.

    AvengingAngel wrote: August 1, 2008 9:01AM CST
    Wait a minute, I meant "###" as it pertains to Mules and Donkeys. Why is that censored?

  4. I'm going. Maybe I can get a straight answer from him about the Book of Revelations.

  5. Orbs, Too Funny. Perhaps I'll bring my bible.

  6. Maybe I'll cover it as a "story" for the JTI. Wear a hat with a JTI press card stuck in the brim, bring along my camera and voice recorder. If I see anyone from the Journal Times, I'll give 'em a dirty look. :)

    Is the mayor buying? I wonder how many people will show up?

  7. Please report in on this meeting. Hopefully, there will be meaningful discussion(s), some ideas put forth that can be used as part of a solution to the problems facing Racine.

  8. I'd be very happy for Orbs to represent us irregular people -
    power to the people :)
    now all you need, Orbs, is one of the older style hats and one of those cool old cameras with the light bulb!

  9. Orbs and AA,if you guys need another companion,I'd be happy to join in. I'm interested in what the mayor has to say about the crime in this city.(If he has anything to say).

  10. I can't make it guys. Wish I could. I have previous plans.... besides, the blue hair would be a dead give-a-way.
    ; )

    Give 'em hell boys and do the JTI proud. Please, post about it afterward. I'm dying to hear how it goes.

  11. I'll probably go, but as "anonymous." I'm sure the Journal Times will cover the event and I don't want all of Gotham to know my secret identity. Drew, don't give me away - my life is in your hands.

  12. Don't worry Orbs,your secret is safe with me.

  13. I'll be there...And I'll be there as SER.

    I hope they have beer there.

  14. SER, so your plan is to show up with an orange nose, mustache and bowler hat? I'm diggin' those blue shoes. Sorry I have to miss it!

    Good luck guys....
