Saturday, August 22, 2009

HOLY SHIT.......

I was watching the Packers play. An ad for SNOW BLOWERS came on and the following ad was for LAWN MOWERS!

What happened to Fall or Autumn? Is summer over?

I have not been in the stores in the couple of weeks, is the Halloween stuff out or Christmas?

Okay...I’m done bitch’in


  1. I saw Halloween stuff at T.J.Max today. I need to get my nitro prescription refilled. SOON.

  2. Christmas stuff has been out since July at Hobby Lobby. So if Halloween stuff is out I would not be surprised.

  3. Snowblowers in August? Sounds about right. This is Wisconsin. ;>

    For many years, the Christmas rush and commercialism has left a bad taste in my mouth. Speak of being bummed out, school supplies went out the day after 4th of July.

  4. I saw the back-to-school sales in July and thought what a bummer for the kids.

    End of summer and fall are terrible for getting landscape supplies. The stores put that stuff away as they roll out the Christmas merchandise.

  5. I saw quilted jackets at KMart when I was looking for cheap shorts. Put a bad taste in my mouth.

  6. I was at the game. The same ad was shown on the scoreboard.
