Friday, September 4, 2009

Tick Tock

I go in on Tuesday early with the sun rise an get a pace maker. The procedure will NOT happen at St. Mary's Hell Hole. I'll be going to the VA hospital which may have some students fumbling the procedure itself, but the staff an care on the floors is miles above the crap at our local butcher palace. I hope to only be away for a few days as I've been told it is a pretty much two day thing and no big deal.


  1. Hope it all goes smooth and quick for you :) if you'd like company while you're in there, drop me a line and I'll pop on over, I'm off by 11am Mon and Tues

  2. Good luck, Huck. I hope that all goes well. Remember, when they ask you to rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10, always say 10 - that way you get the good stuff.

  3. Best wishes huck. Been through it with mom several times. That wasn't as big a deal as I originally thought. Hope it is a piece of cake for you too.

  4. How exciting. Just think of all the things they can do nowadays to fix you and you go home in a couple of days. I had surgery for what I thought was quite serious and I went home in a couple of hours. This is when you appreciate all that medical personel has invented.

  5. Good Luck Huck. Geez, I'm a poet and don't know it. I think Bob Dylan said that.

    I hope everything goes well for you.

  6. My husband's took like half an hour...hope all goes well.

  7. If I remember right, the only reason they keep you there is that they don't want you moving around too much until the wires adhere in place. The operation itself is fairly minimal... (how can they say that when they are messing with your heart?) We'll be thinking good thoughts about ya, huck.

  8. don't they go in thru the rectum????

  9. Best of luck to you Huck! Hope it all goes well.
