Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who's Your Pet?

Usually, your pet is an animal. But your pet could be anyone, or anything.

Send a picture of your pet to and we'll post it in this blog. Be sure to include your pet's name and what name (if any) you want to use for yourself.

Below is OrbsCorbs' cat, Charlie, watching the birds:

Here's Harley, drewzepmeister's dog:

Carol S.' cat, Miss Jasmine {The Queen}:

This is Karrie's dog - Gracie:

kkdither's pet rock:

Lizardmom's lizard, Sly, climbing Anna's balnket:

From Beejay, here's Maggy, the teacup poodle:

Why Not? sent in a picture of Dusty, her pet dust bunny:

Hale-Bopp says, "Here is Hale-Bopp (the large black and white main battle cat) Alamo (the small rapid attack cat) and PC (the stealth cat) as they attempt to render harmless a new entertainment center."

DogAddicts' Minnie says,


  1. kk, what's your rock's name? Cary Granite? Rock Hudson?

  2. kk's pet rock gives me the creeps... it reminds me of the lastest Geico commercials

  3. Carol: "The Queen" is BEAUTIFUL.

    Drew: Harley looks just like my "MOBE" without the extra 75 pounds.

  4. Orbs: Your kitty reminds me of my LONGTIME friend "FREEMAN" I had him for nearly 15 years. He was a GREAT friend.

  5. KK: I still have my "Pet Rock" and (I think the box) but, without the straw that came inside. I will have to look it up.

  6. Stone Phillips? Slate Stone? Rose Agate? Ok, I'll admit it, I copped that picture from the web.

    I did have a parakeet named Peter. He loved butter. He would break my pencil while I was doing homework so that I'd play with him instead. I also had a cat, canaries, fish, etc. I also had a couple of dogs... nothing current though.

    I love why not's? bunny. I have a few of those around.

  7. kk... are we talking energizing bunny?

  8. Jed, my bunnies hide under the bed and they DO multiply like rabbits! ;>

  9. Hale: THOSE are FINE cat's if I ever did see them.

  10. I love the dust bunnies!! I think some of their relatives live at our house too!!

  11. I used to have a parakeet as well.. He used to crack me up. He too loved butter, couldnt leave butter around at all he would seek it out. He would get so mad at the pencils.. His name was King Blouis (or Bluie we never did agree on the spelling)

  12. Beautiful pets all!! I have dust puppies. :)

    I'll get Minnie's pic sent right off!

    I think you will like it. ;)

  13. Heehee

    Thought some of you would like that one
