Saturday, December 5, 2009

Johnson Heiress Records Hip Hop Album

A tip of the hat to the Racine Post for breaking this story:

Samantha Marq's website:

Here's a pic from her imeem page:

Excuse me while I go wash my ears.


  1. Seven seconds of the the song was too much for me. I couldn't take it.

  2. The lyrics are, well... so NOT Johnsonized. I'm sure "The family company" is very thrilled with her little musical excursion into how to be a hoe.

    The Racine Post has no sense of right or wrong. They are only in it for the $$$.

  3. Really, drew? Don't most of your favorite songs begin with the word "shit"? Or feature women who play up to the pimp status of producers and their stables of sleaze "artists"?

  4. I prefer something with a little talent.

  5. Not my type of music... sounds just like every other 'new' artist out there.

    I'll pass

  6. To bad, she looks like she could be a very nice looking lady, too bad she prefers to look like a slut.

    As for the music, that’s not music...S H I T!

    And I don’t like to use the word slut. I would rather say nigger.

  7. I couldn't understand any of the lyrics, all I could here were my eardrums vibrating to the obnoxious bass, I guess I'm just old......

  8. What's the deal with the synthesized voice? It sound like a droid with a digital sinus infection.

    The first word in the song sums up her musical career.
