Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my precocious peonies! How are you? Oh, how I do so love this time of year. It is glorious to see the various plants and shrubs and trees coming to life, some of them blooming, others barely budding in yet. The hyacinth have mostly come and gone, daffodils are now appearing, and most tulips are yet to show. And that’s just some of the bulbs. Those blazes of yellow you see here and there in yards around Racine indicate Forsythia, a shrub that blooms early, and brigthly, in spring. I’ve also seen some tulip trees beginning to bloom south of downtown. Spring: the colors are rich and resplendent. The show changes daily. The beauty is stunning. Oh my!

Let me say first off to you my dear friends that I am not prepared to do my blog this week. I have had a very, very busy week, capped by a very, very busy day today. To top off everything else, I am house and dog sitting for a friend who just had a liver transplant. My friend doesn’t want her pooch too stressed out by her absence, so she wants the dear dog to stay home. I, however, cannot stay at her house all of the time because I have my own Zoltar® brand product line to oversee, as well as run my retail operations, and maintain a loving home for Junior – which means being cook, maid, laundress, shopper and driver, as well as helping him out with his homework and trying to pound some moral sense into his black little heart. Ahem.

If I could only trust Junior, he could do most of the dog duties, as well as keep on eye on my friend’s house. Yes, if only I could trust him – ha! Just like his father, I can trust him to do only one thing: whatever is wrong, or incorrect, or immoral, or unfaithful, or all of those combined. Is that some sort of genetic thing with men, or perhaps just a Zoltar trait? As soon as my back is turned, both he and his father start straying toward the dark side. It’s a full time job just trying to counter that.

So, it’s running late, I have nothing prepared to say, and I’m too tired to try. I think the honorable thing to do is to keep my blog short and sweet. I love you, my dear Irregular friends. Thank you so much for stopping by to ponder my musings each week. I really do appreciate it.

Don’t forget to transmit your coded messages to these coordinates:

Like father, like son, they say. Oh dear, I’ll start crying if I ponder that. Have a lovely week my wonderful friends. Don’t forget to stop, look, and listen to the show that nature is putting on all around you. You’ll be glad you did.


  1. Madame, I send my best wishes that things will even out for you. I can read the woe in your words. All you can do when things feel bleak is to see what tomorrow will bring. Witnessing the spring and regrowth always helps. There is sadness in my heart today as well...

  2. I wish both of you some smiling pleased that Madame Zoltar has such a heart to help her friend in need.

  3. Thank you, Ms. Beejay, for your wonderful wishes.

    Ms. kk, I feel your pain.
