Friday, April 30, 2010

"Fiancee of slain burglary suspect: he had changed "

"RACINE - Johnny Harris' fiancee simply cannot understand the events that led to the man she knew and loved being shot by Oak Creek police.

"Laurensa Fleming, 45, of Racine said she is having a very hard time and doesn't believe the man she was planning to marry would be burglarizing homes, trying to steal squad cars and then attempting to run over officers to escape.

"'I don't believe that,' she said. 'That is not the Johnny I knew.'"


Pure, 100%, unadulterated denial. The man burglarized a home, fled from police, crashed his car, tried to run over an officer, and was shot for it. This was all confirmed by numerous witnesses. But his girlfriend says, "I don't believe that."

The Journal Times is publishing the above story (a paean to enabling criminals and refusing to accept responsibility) without giving online readers the opportunity to comment on a problem that is destroying Racine: DENIAL.

Once again, the Journal Times stands squarely against personal accountability.
Party on, Lee!


  1. It's never the perpetrator's fault. Never. I suspect a conspiracy involving the Oak Creek Police, the Caledonia Police, and the Illuminati to kill this man.

  2. And in Camden NJ parents of three boys who died in a trunk of a car were awarded 2.7 million by the city. Why? Because the police should have known to check there.
    Too bad the city can't sue the parents for not keeping an eye on their kids.
    Even down here we have a pharmacist getting ready to go on trial for killing a boy who came in the pharmacy to rob it. Again, the mother stating "he was a good boy". Bullshit. Good boys don't carry guns and rob people.
    I am so sick of the "it's not my fault" society we've become and the jury's that reward us for doing it.
    Man up people. You do the crime, you do the time.

  3. They always say that. Never do they say..Oh he should have been in jail 10 years ago. I probably would say the same thing if it was my son. Oh well...the paper sure makes a big deal out of it. Consider the source

  4. The making a big deal out of it is what gets me. Why do they do it? They know it's BS. Is it the idea that any publicity is good publicity? Why give such a loud voice to someone propagating such crippling behavior? That garbage literally destroys lives.

  5. The story sells papers. Pardon me for having a very bad taste in my mouth.... The headline is obscenely huge. I shook my head as I read the full story. How in the world would any respectable or responsible journalist publish this story?

    I'm sad she lost her man. Maybe he was good to her. The truth is though, this guy chose a life of crime. Let me also say that the police made a very bad error in leaving the patrol car unlocked with a weapon inside. He probably would not have ended up dead had that not happened. However, it is no ones fault but his own; he made the fatal decision. This "run from the po-lice" thing should never be a viable option.

  6. While I don't know the mind of Johnny Harris, I do know that he quit his job almost a month before all this happened. His Fiance and his family refuse to believe that though. Dude's gotta earn money somehow, huh?

  7. So many of them haven’t been in a church for years but all of a sudden some preacher is saying what a great guy he is/was. “Always helped out...ya, emptied the ashtrays after Bingo once!

  8. I think the Oak Creek cops did her a favor before she was able to say "I do."
