Friday, April 30, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Another Friday is here! It's been a long, strange week filled with some ups and downs. This weeks questions are about tattoos.

1) Do you have any tattoos or body piercings?

2) Ever think of getting any tattoos or piercings?

3) What do you think of those who do have them?

4) Ever find any tats or piercings disturbing?

Enjoy your weekend folks!


  1. 1) Do you have any tattoos or body piercings?
    I have a tattoo of the Scorpion sign on my ankle (got it done with my mom at the spur of the moment) and I used to have 5 holes in my cartilage in my ears and 4 on my lobes, but the cartilage piercings are gone.. now just 4 in my earlobes.

    2) Ever think of getting any tattoos or piercings?
    Sit and plan out tattoos all the time, don't know if I would ever get another or not.. would like to get something like 2 M-s for my daughters.

    3) What do you think of those who do have them?
    Think it's a pretty normal thing now a days, becoming more rare that people don't have some sort of tattoo.

    4) Ever find any tats or piercings disturbing?
    found plenty disturbing, both in placement and subject..

  2. 1) Do you have any tattoos or body piercings?
    Yes. One tattoo on my foot. Pierced tragus and ear lobes. I used to have streched ears, but I had to ditch those for a J-O-B. :)

    2) Ever think of getting any tattoos or piercings?
    Maybe another tattoo someday.

    3) What do you think of those who do have them?
    No opinion really, just another person.

    4) Ever find any tats or piercings disturbing?
    Oh, sure. I am just happy they aren't on me!

  3. 1. No tattoos..ou don't put a bumper sticker on a Mercedes!
    2. Wanted a lady bug but was too scared
    3. One or two doesn't bother me but piercings do.
    4. When they have an arm full I think...prisoner!

  4. 1. No tattoos.
    2. No.
    3. I know a lot of people that have them, which is fine with me.
    4. I find that people who feel the need to tattoo their entire body starting with their face, and then piercing everything in between are a little weird. I don't understand why someone would do that to their entire body.

  5. double ear piercing...that's it....
    NOOOOOOOO...Owie, owie, owie.
    Some are fine, but others are overkill.
    Yes. I saw someone with a tattooed face...yes, the entire face. A woman.

  6. 1. Two Tatts One on each upper arm
    2. Hope to get two more.
    3. It's individual expression and deeply personal.
    4. Some are not for me.

  7. 1. NO

    2. Just a small thought

    3. Some are awful and than some. I don't like the piercings at all except ears, and I don't mean with a 357 magnum.

    4. Piercings in the eyebrow's, lips, tongue, nose(other than tiny studs), nipples, etc. I guess I find them disturbing.

  8. 1. No - magic markers are less permanent & shoe clips make great earrings...
    2. No
    3. I like a lot of the artwork & have actually designed tattoos for people - the first tattoo artists in America were mostly women which I always found interesting.
    4. There was a check-out girl at the Whole Foods in Austin once that had a 2" spike through the center of her throat - my sister & I were both fighting off the gags while we waited in line...

  9. 1) No, I don't.

    2) Yes. I was planning on a certain album cover, next to a palm tree with the JTI logo in it. I was thinking of having it placed on my calf. Plans changed. I might get a dinosaur or something. It's not a top priority.

    3) Most of them I have met are wonderful people.

    4) Yes, I just can't stomach the the thought of getting spikes, ear plugs, and other piercings.

  10. 1) No tats or piercings.

    2) No plans to.

    3) Tattooed &/or pierced people don't bother me, unless:

    4) It's overdone or outrageous. I know that's a personal thing, but I more or less go along with what everyone else has posted previously. And when I say it bothers me, I don't mean that I get angry or lose sleep over it. I just avoid looking at them.

  11. 1) 2 tats

    2) piercings to me is wrong. Ears do not fall into that category.

    3) those who do have them? To each his/her own.

    4) disturbing? more disgusting then disturbing.

  12. 1. No tattoos. The "regular" one-hole-each-ear, pierced ears. And, I admit, even that is kinda gross.

    2. Never. The original blueprint plan was thought to have been perfect by its maker.

    3. It is their decision, but I don't like them.

    4. I find it disturbing when it is "in excess" or it is someone very young. Young people don't comprehend the future in realistic terms. The ear stretching and wild piercings are gross to me. The adults in their lives should be more responsible. Like Madelynnnn said, jobs and the future are an issue.

  13. 1) Do you have any tattoos or body piercings? 5 tattoos, just ears pierced

    2) Ever think of getting any tattoos or piercings? More tats

    3) What do you think of those who do have them? It's their personal choice of expression

    4) Ever find any tats or piercings disturbing? some piercings I wonder WTF they were thinking but it's their body

  14. oops that was me...

  15. 1) I sat on one of those pointy oil cans once that poked me in the butt. Does that count as a piercing?

    2)I was thinking about having "Monster" with an arrow pointing down at my you know what. But it was suggest that the arrow point up at my belly.

    3) Nose rings are great! With a carabiner it makes it easier to hook them up to a light pole or hitching post.

    4)If they make someone look like an Aboriginy; yes!
