Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Green Flash

I went out tonight hoping to catch a glimpse of Comet McNaught after sunset. The comet proved elusive (I knew it would be tough) but I got there a little early and managed to zoom in and get another set of green flash pictures. Not a particularly impressive one, but I am getting better at catching the subtle ones.

As always, click to embiggen. I think this is probably an inferior mirage flash (a mock mirage flash usually needs cool air beneath you and I don't think there was any cool air around here today!)

Once again proving you don't need to be looking over water to catch a green flash...although I guess technically the Pacific Ocean is about 400 miles out in that direction.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. The sky almost looks smokey. Have there been fires?

  2. No nearby fires...I think you are seeing the effect of my slightly underexposing (intentionally) the photos. If you don't underexpose a bit, the sky is too bright and you can't get the green flash. Hence, good green flash pictures typically have that darker background.
