Friday, July 2, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Wow! The fourth of July weekend is finally here! And yes, I'm still on vacation! This week's question's are about the Forth.

1) So what are your plans for this weekend?

2) Do you have any July 4th traditions?

3) What did you do last year for the 4th?

4) What does Independence Day mean to you?

ENJOY your weekend!!!


  1. 1. Spending time with friends on Saturday. Picnic at my homestead with family on Sunday.

    2. Used to be the parade and fireworks. Not so much anymore.

    3. Sat home and sulked. Watched the parade on TV. Everyone bailed on me. :(

    4. It brings to mind the people who sacrificed their lives to keep us a free country, those who died and those who served. It makes me thankful that we are allowed so much freedom and choice in our lives.

  2. 1. See post below! Then Union Grove Parade on Monday, and a week of vacation! (Also DVR'ing the Coke Zero 400 as my name will be on Tony Stewarts car! Im on the "b" in Burger king on the hood, at the top crest of the B, third signature down. I know I wont be able to see it, but it's still cool!)

    2. See post below and see answer # 1!

    3. See Post below, and answer #1 and 2 above. (I know, boring and consistant!)

    4. It means celebrating everything that makes this country great, our freedoms, our liberties, and honoring those who died to protect those freedoms. It also means honoring all currently serving. It is a chance to be the American we all wish we could be the rest of the year.

  3. 1. Parade in Arcadia tomorrow
    2. Not really
    3. Worked up the nerve to go to Arcadia for the parade and met up with Biggy D.
    4. INDEPENDENCE is what it means to me. I look at all the celebrations and wonder how many people really appreciate our freedoms. I cannot imagine living anywhere else on earth than in the United States of American and I am appreciative of it, warts and all.

  4. 1) I'm hiding for the weekend.

    2) I usually hide.

    3) Hid.

    4) I think of the Revolutionary War and our founding fathers. What an amazing conglomeration of people, places, and events that turned into the USA. I am deeply appreciative of our freedoms. The only reason I'm here is because my parents fled the Soviet takeover of their country - their freedoms were being taken away. Thank you, United States of America.

  5. 1) Going to Summerfest today and tomorrow to see Yes, Rush and the Counting Crows. Maybe go the Milwaukee Zoo on Sunday. For the rest of the weekend, I'm winging it.

    2)Used to go the Raymond Parade and watch the Sturtevant and Racine fireworks. Then I'll put on firework show myself.

    3)I was in California. Took a trip along the coast to see the beaches. Watched the fireworks at Laguna Niguel

    4)To me it means taking a look at what freedoms you have and remembering those who fought and died for those freedoms.

  6. 1. Going to hospital to visit son-in-law who crashed his motorcycle last weekend. Then to the boat parade tomorrow night and on Sunday watching the fireworks.
    2. We used to have a picnic at my sister-in-laws house but they are separated now so thats off.
    3. The one thing I remember about last year is storms delaying the fireworks for about a week.
    4. Remembering those lost and the ones that are fighting for our freedom now.

  7. 1) So what are your plans for this weekend?
    birthday party (funny thing is that the local grocery store had Budweiser on sale in honor of America's independence day)

    2) Do you have any July 4th traditions?
    Usually parade, grill out and fireworks (when at home in the States)

    3) What did you do last year for the 4th?
    parade, grill out and fireworks

    4) What does Independence Day mean to you?
    Hmm.. Never had to collect my thoughts on that.
    Celebrating our country, the good and the bad, it's our home.. It's hard to imagine what life without freedoms is.. Maybe because of that we take it for granted and it's a shame. I like to celebrate all aspects. I think the 4th has been a lot of focus on the military and I understand that completely, but I like to think of all the aspects that make life in the US what it is.. We all play a part in making it what it is and we shouldn't forget that on a day that we celebrate our country. so for the garbage men I appreciate, the doctors, the utility workers, the teachers and adminstrators, the politicians, the stay at home moms, the working moms, parents as a whole, the children, and so on and so on you get the picture I appreciate what you do!!

  8. Gee, why not?, your response sounds like a Budweiser commercial itself!.... "for all you do, working men and women... this buds for you!" :)

  9. 1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) The same thing we did the year before. It's a tradition.
    4) The summer's a third over. No mail on Monday.

  10. No plans, no traditions. Will find something I am sure.

  11. Oh, Stu...I mean, sure, I put my name on every spacecraft I can going to every planet and Moon, but putting your name on Tony Stewart's car, well, that's crazy :)

  12. HaHa KK, I love those commercials..
