Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my luscious green beans! How are you? Happy September! Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that the daffodils and tulips of spring were sprouting. Now we’re approaching Labor Day. Oh my. I have noticed that I close my blinds a little earlier each evening. The days grow shorter. The cycles of time. It makes me a little wistful.

There’s still plenty to do in and around Racine. “First Friday kicks off holiday weekend with lots of fun” - Even though Downtown Racine Corporation was cool to the idea of my mobile Zoltar booth, they do know how to have a good time and I recommend a First Friday or two to all of my friends. Our beaches still have lifeguards on duty this week and the Racine Zoo is a wonderful place to watch animals (and people). Don’t forget our museums and the Dr. Laurel Clark Fountain. And that’s just in Racine. Travel a little and there is so much more. We are so fortunate.

I’d like to take a moment to comment on an international matter. France is conducting mass expulsions of Gypsies, also known by the politically correct appellation, Roma. I usually don’t interfere in matters outside the realm of my direct influence, but I feel it necessary to express my feelings this one time. This is my response to the French and others involved in the oppression of my people:

As long as I’ve strayed from my usually apolitical path, I’d also like to comment on another subject in the news: the mid-term elections. I would never publicly choose a side, my dears, but I do want to say that I sincerely hope a tone of civility and respect returns to our national discourse on politics and other matters. The continued polarization of our country is stressful and unhealthy. Please treat others as you would like to be treated. Screaming at others because they disagree with you, or demonizing them, just adds to the chaos. Chaos begets chaos. We have enough of that. What we need now is cooperation.

OK, that’s the end of the editorial, my dear Irregulars. Thank you so much for reading my blog this week. I appreciate visiting with each and every one of you. It’s the highlight of my week.

Please send your automatic writing and subconscious ravings to:

Don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of the season. There is still plenty of sun and fun to savor. And lots of tomatoes and cucumbers and beans and other veggies, too. Partake of it all. Omnivorous!


  1. Dr. Laurel Clark Fountain

    I drove down to the lake yesterday and the fountain was FULL of little ones enjoying themselves!

    I am glad the city came to sence and figured out a way for the kiddie to have fun in Racine.


  2. Dear Mme. Z.,

    Thank you for your efforts at toning down the rancor in our current political arena.

    Oh, and party on, lying you-know-who!

  3. Now, Mr. OrbsCorbs, that is not polite. Such comments only compound the problem. Try sweetening your approach and see if you don't get better results.
