Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

Enjoy the other days, too.


  1. So what is Wednesday? Merely 2 days after Monday. I'm going back to bed.

  2. I'm asking that everyone take a look at the picture of this woman and cross post everywhere. I have known about this for the past few weeks, but charges were just formally issued. The family is very concerned about the welfare of the kids.

  3. Have any of you noticed the sun is starting to disappear earlier already.

    I really hate to see summer go, but I have had it with this extreme humidity! If it would cool down to the 60 at night and low humidity I would be a happy camper! Then that 80 - 85 during the day is livable.

  4. It's so true about the humidity. We had a couple of days in July, I think, that were hot but low humidity. Like you said, no problem. But when the damp goes up, I start to drip. I hate it.
