Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my March lions! How are you? March is the month of mud. As the snow melts, the dirty puddles appear everywhere. Be sure to wear your muck lucks.

Unfortunately, my dears, I completely lost track of what day it is. As I pondered this week’s blog, I suddenly realized that it was due and I hadn’t even started it yet. Oh my.

It appears that even the powerful Madame Zoltar® has fallen prey to the ravages of time and memory. I’m so sorry. I’ll try extra hard to deliver a special blog for you next week.

Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget, ♪“All you need is love.”♫


  1. Mme. Z, I was still up at 4 AM today with insomnia. You forgot what day it was and I think my internal clock forgot what time it was.

  2. Mme, no apologies necessary. Your blogs are always special, no matter the time invested or the length.

  3. Ahhh.. the dreaded Cabin Fever? Just hibernate until Spring.

    But come out on Wednesdays to write your blog!

  4. I heard a commercial on the radio today for 1-800-PREDICT, or
    Maybe you should advertise more, Mme. Z.

  5. Mr. OrbsCorbs, I do not wish to sully the great name of Zoltar® by associating it with cheap ads and ploys for money. Those who know the value of my advice compensate me accordingly. 1-800-URPHONY.
