Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

That's one way to take the wrinkles out. 


  1. Second......oh, how I wish that dog would sleep in!

  2. home sick from work, hoping to feel a bit better by later today :(
    going back to bed now, hoping for a happier Wednesday than it started

  3. aww.. hope you feel better LM.. Was supposed to have class today but it was canceled due to sickness.. ah well, don't mind a day off. Today I went out in my tank top to get the mail and I was actually surprised I didn't freeze.. I heard water running down in a storm drain so I'm hoping that this stuff does turn into mud.. would rather that right now.. Happy Wednesday everyone..

  4. Good Marning everyone!

    LM, I hope you feel better. A friend of mine just got over a cold/flu/whatever. He was completely out of commission for a couple of days and felt poorly for a few more.

  5. thankfully I think it will be a less than one day wicked illness,wow, what a sucker punch, came on with a wicked headache on my left side for a few hours then bam, hit really hard and fast, but started feeling better after hubby made me some toast (huge thing for him), I think that was the best toast I ever had :) definitely doing better now

  6. Gud Aaftarnuun... I thought the spelling was on purpose! :) The day is over. Time to go home and relax.

  7. You guys are sooo silly!!! Looks like something is going illness. Hope everybody takes care!
