Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my sonorous songbirds! How are you? Have you been watching the crocus and daffodils and early tulips pop out of the ground? Trees and shrubs are budding. The grass is greening and the weeds are making their annual appearances, too. What a glorious relief from the wicked ways of winter. Spring forth, noble plants!

Here is an AP headline from a few days ago: “Gypsies take refuge in ancient Rome church.”
Here is the article:
Here are my thoughts: Roma. Rome. Always to roam. When will my people be free?

For those of you with inquiring minds, yes, I did meet with Senor Zanza. Out of respect for him, I have decided not to publicly discuss our “affairs” at this point in time. (But I must let my dear Irregulars know: oh my!)

On our city’s home front, I want to make note of the controversy surrounding Great Lakes Brew Fest, the Kilties, VenuWorks, and the City of Racine: Oh my, indeed. A blog or two ago, I said I was sure that some sort of amicable agreement would be worked out in this situation, but I am no longer convinced. The vibes have changed. It is not yet clear what exactly is going on, but, again, some bad mojo seems to be at work. Deal with the devil and you will get burned. I can’t imagine Racine without the Kilties. At what point do we say to our politicians, enough is enough? I will try to decipher more on what is happening here and keep the Irregulars posted.

Also on the local beat, Racine’s Police Chief Kurt Wahlen announced his retirement: Thank you, Chief Wahlen, for your many, many years of service to our city. I predict a long and happy retirement for you.

Well, I’m quite the reporter today, aren’t I, hopping from news story to news story. Here’s a final one I have to comment on. From Reuters: “Members of Kyrgyzstan's divided parliament slaughtered seven rams before their morning session on Thursday, in a sacrifice they hope will banish ‘evil spirits’ disrupting their work.” Ha ha, good luck, you fools. I see you took Esmerelda’s advice instead of mine. Of course, hers was cheaper, as your results will be. When you want me to straighten out the mess, let me know.

Thank you one and all for reading my blog today. I had a wonderful time writing it and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. Blogging for the JT Irregulars is the highlight of my week. I so look forward to spending time with you.

Psst, Kyrgyzstan:

Enjoy the spring my dears. I love you all. Remember, “April showers bring May flowers.” And the Mayflower brought the pilgrims. Oh my. Pelmatogram!


  1. Kyrgyzstan may be on to something, there, Madame... Maybe a slaughtering or two of PIGS in Madison could bring about some accord for our state.

    I have an inquiring mind. I'm glad to hear that your meeting with the Senor was (cough) amicable. (and safe-in all possible ways?) Seriously, all that you care to share is, "Oh my!"????

    It is a pleasure to read your blog, Mme. Z., it makes everything in the world more normal for a Wednesday.

  2. Thank you, my dear Ms. kk.

    Perhaps, "Oh my, oh my!"

    I am a woman of discretion - but if you want to get all the juicy details, contact me directly.


  3. Just thought I would jump in here and say "Hi" Madame Zoltar!!!

  4. Oohhh, an invitation to some girl talk with the Madame. I can't think of a finer evening. You know, girls share EVERYTHING! ;>
