Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lend a hand??

Hey there

I am wondering if you could help me out. I know you all have a wealth of knowledge and many connections  I write a column for Mount Pleasant/Sturtevant Patch called Knowsy Neighbor. It is a character piece really...human interest...short bio thingy. The subject simply has to work, live or volunteer in Mount Pleasant or Sturtevant. They don’t need to be a well known – or known at all. They don’t need to own a business or hold a community office. Just regular people. Our neighbors. Everyone has a story or something to share – that’s my belief anyway. Sooo...I am searching for people to interview.

It is super easy. All by email if possible, but I can also meet with them or do it over the phone. I ask a few questions and then start writing. If I need follow-up info I simply email them. The story will then run on a Tuesday and I will email them the link. I will also need a picture to go with the piece. That’s it!!

If you could get the message out and/or let me know of some people who you think may fit the bill – I would be forever grateful!!

Please let me know and have a great day!!


  1. Thanks for posting!! I hope to hear from some of you... :)

  2. Which one you want the Left or the Right?....

  3. LOL...either hand is fine...or a toe, an eyelide..whatever :)

    kk - I would make it MUCH easier to get interviews :) BUT you do get a bunch of nice things said about you in public!!!! So...YOU IN??

  4. Oh no, heather... I'm a city of Racine gal. I meant a commission to the JTI for the finders fee and advertising. Besides, I'm way too shy to speak in public, can't you tell? LOL
