Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Notice of claim against the City…in black and white"

"5:14 p.m. – I received permission from the Claimant and the attorney handling this. Here is the Notice of Claim that was filed against the City of Racine this past Friday. This is the first of about 5 contractors that will be filings claims.

Party on, lying John!


  1. Hell yes Trones-man, go git um

    Who got the contracts? Dickert’s uncle, nephew, cousin, wife’s brother...WTF...

  2. This is so wrong that we need lawyers to fight to keep things above board. Who suffers from this other than you and I? We will be the ones who pay if it is deemed that the city proceeded illegally or did not follow procedure, the bad guys have already won.

    The same goes for D.P. Wigley and the micro-brewers being shut out of fundraising. It only hurts everyone.

    Greed, power, nepotism, sneaky shit and plain stupidity makes me very angry.

  3. Since I don't live In Racine now, has anyone from the City responded to Mr. Trones regarding, Why more of his "low" bids were not accepted? City governments have CRAZY latitude regarding bids In some cases. Low, responsible bids should be the ONLY bids accepted.
