Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vote Today!

There are many races being decided today in our area, including Mayor of Racine, County Executive, three RUSD board seats, a state Supreme Court seat, three RUSD referendums, and numerous other races specific to your local ward/village/township/whatever.

It is imperative that we vote.  Hundreds of thousands of valiant men and women have given their lives to protect our right to vote.  Please exercise that right and add your voice to our democratic process.


  1. 180 PLUS MILLION FOR UNIFIED...I think that deserves a BIG HELL NO on all 3 referendums

  2. I'll be there in spirit, unfortunately that cannot be counted..

  3. WhyNot..I'll vote for you. I'm an old lady..I don't know what I'm doing!!! he he he

  4. I'm really anxious to see the results of the Mayor, Referendum votes. You folks are really being taken to the cleaners.
