Monday, April 25, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

The same to youuuuuuuu!


  1. I'm #1... Well, I knew that all along! ;>

  2. Where is everyone today - being sick from eating too much candy?
    Today is a great day - it is the
    2nd day in a row that it is raining. We are still about 4 inches below normal but every little bit helps.

  3. I'm in Yakima, WA. Enjoying some down time. Have a great week, everyone!

  4. KK...You're #1 in my book!

    Mary we need the rain also, about 4 feet to bring Lake Michigan up.

    Beejay, they say WA is a beautiful it true? I never been west of North Dakota and I was there in February which really sucked!

  5. Monday is laundry day. I've also been taking care of my neighbor's cat while he visits his mother in Illinois for Easter. It's not that big of a deal except that my cat, Charlie, is very jealous of the time I spend with the other cat. Charlie is ornery and ticked off and will be until my neighbor returns on Wednesday.

  6. I go to Florida Wednesday for vacation...looks like I might miss you, Beejay?

  7. I'm super late to the party... ran out of time this morning to pop on, long day, caved in and took a vicodin at work, next Wednesday can't come soon enough, actually looking forward to surgery, my heel is NOT my friend, and I've had it with the boot... soon this too shall pass... :)

  8. Beautiful day here! I've been enjoying doing some yard work. I know.. this too shall change just like the "oh look~~pretty snow!" phase did.

    Happy Monday everyone!

  9. Good luck with your surgery, Lizardmom.
