Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Snake Removed From Car's Engine "

Darn. It would hsve been nice to post this before Beejay left on her trip. Were her and Biggie D driving?


  1. Dang it was HUGE.......

    I think the flew to Washington...

  2. Never have Wal-Mart replace your serpentine belt? EEE-yuck. I might have to sell the car if they took that out of it.

  3. Good grief. In Florida a woman found a 7 foot alligator in her bathroom. He came in thru the doggy door. Can you imagine?

  4. There was at least one cat in the house too... I would imagine they found a very good hiding place, as they were unharmed.

    I wouldn't do well in the south. I can't even handle a random centipede when it shows itself after dark!
