Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How To Deactivate A Cat

Is this true? All you need is a big clip? Does it work on humans, too?


  1. I have one of those clips, but I'm not going to try it on Charlie. There are a few people I know, though, that I'd like to try it on.

  2. Sure do wish I knew that when I tried to give my cat a shower. I tried holding her neck, but she was too fat to squeeze It. She darn near filleted me.

  3. How about one of those adjustable clamps for woodworking. At leas It wouldn't be so tight. Those clips hurt.

  4. My neighbor has a cat that looks like the one in the video, only heavier. His cat is often hard to handle. I sent him the clip. I'll see if he tries it.

  5. Kind of the modern day version of Baron Von Raschke's sleeper hold.

  6. Or maybe that thing Spock did on people

  7. I've heard of this before. Male cats (even large ones) bite that part of the female cat to do 'it'. Otherwise the female would not allow it. Also that is where you are supposed to pick up a cat.

  8. Sassa... Darn women want everythign to be "pur"fect. lol. I imagine scented candles nearby.

  9. I know sometimes the vet will use one of those clippy closepins. Seems to calm them down. The cats not the vet.

  10. WTH? I wish something easy like that would calm me down.

    So, has the JTI turned into TCN? (the all cat network?)

  11. KKD. I have time on my hands and I'll nibble on the back of your neck. That may do the trick.

  12. Oh yeah KKD. It's been a real long time since I've nibbled and I'm out of practice. I'm sure I'll get it right after a few hours or so. If you were a bubble headed blond girl, right about now I'd be hearing, "Tee hee, Ohh-kay, if you say so." Those kind are really just bleached brunets that can't cut the program and I've never been attracted to bleach.

    I'll shut up now.

  13. Never heard of that, I know if you take a pheasant and put its head under its wing it will go right to sleep. I learned that on a game farm.

    KK, I know a more humane way to calm you down, it’s call Margarita Ville.... wooohooo!

    I’ll buy ya a few....

  14. Tee hee, Ohh-kay, if you say so, SER. (couldn't resist) Maybe I should go red. This blond thing is giving me a bad rep.

  15. KK...why choose,go multi-colored? Huck, remember the mangos...reading all this cat stuff reminds me a a couple good Johnny carson jokes...lol

  16. It works. I tried it on Sweet Cheeks and she totally forgot where she was. Didn't use a paper clamp, just a couple of fingers.

    It's just a hold over from when they were little kittens and mama would pick them up by the scruff of the neck to move them around.

    While it's 2 late now, I wonder if it works on a bitchy wife and mother-in-law...

  17. OK, I gotta try that on the neighbor's cat the next time he goes after me.

  18. if it works on humans, I'm going to stock up, so many in need, so little time...
