Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Primero!

    That pic flashes, too, if you click it to enlarge.

  2. Tomatoes. I've never grown tomatoes... until now. In a very large plant planter, I planted two scrawny tomato plants. An early and a full duration. There must be 17 tomatoes growing on the one plant and thirty flowers showing on both. I like the big planter as the plants are at my chair level. In the planter is also a small row of carrots because Mom loves garden carrots. If they just got a little light from these monster tomato plants...

    Also have a "sweet baby" watermelon plant (which I will be surprised if it grows anything edible) a red bell pepper plant/vine, oregano, and three kinds of basil in two other planters. Everything smells so good, and my plans are fresh tomato spaghetti sauce with my own herbs. One of the Basils is an African basil cross breed that has really pretty flower stalks. The sweet basil is a pretty plant (leaves) and the regular basil is "interesting."
    All would make great looking house plants except for their need of light. 4 gallons of water a day SLUuurp!

  3. man...two people beat me!
    what are you guys doing up at this hour???

  4. Number 4...holy crap it's only 2 in the morning.......

  5. pretty sure I'm the only one already up for the day, oh you bunch of insomniacs! LOL!
    Huck, this is my 1st year growing tomatoes too, all in planters of some form, have about 8-10 that I can see and flowers everywhere, pretty excited!! also have a cucumber plant in a pot, hoping it will do well also

  6. Wow...Wed open blog is now the garden channel...You've got to love it...Keep growing my friends...and have a productive Wednesday.

  7. Hoping you have some nice tomatoes for me when I arrive in WI next month, guys. LOL. Have a great day!

  8. Must have been the night to be awake. I was here lurking at 12:40 or so, but since orbs beat me to the punch, I went to bed instead.

    Tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic chives, parsley, basil, jalepenos, chili peppers, roses, moss roses, mums, lavender, dianthus, geraniums, hostas, some gorgeous deep blue lobelia and hens&chicks all over the place.

  9. Wow KK... you've got a regular Garden of Eden happening. How smooth are you. lol

  10. Two of my tomato plants croaked. Now I have seven.

  11. Smooth as a baby's butt? lmao You know, once we start using it, it is dead in the water. They have to come up with something else.

  12. Did I just read...Coors has to be pulled from the shelves in Minnesota. The state is 'broke'. So evidently certain laws apply. M-m-m-m

  13. LMSAABAO = Laughing my smooth as a baby ass off

    It's like getting stock tips, by the time you get the tip to buy, everyone in the loop is selling. lmsaabao

  14. Sassa, the state is not broke........ the government is. Broke as in stupid.

    So many differing stories on this. Comes down to who has the paperwork sitting on their desk in a locked closed office due to the government shutdown.

    I have jalpenos, tomatoes (cherry & roma)gr. pepper, cilantro, chives, radishes and carrots growing. First time in a few years I've been able to have a garden.
    KK...... I would love to have some of your hens&chicks if you would care to share... ;) Can't find them around here in the places I have looked.
    Finally found Moss Roses (my fav) and got a good deal on them. $1.25 for a flat of 6/6paks. woohoo!! Planted them and they are doing fantastic!
    Have a great rest of the week everyone

  15. Sometimes moss roses reseed themselves and come back in the spring.

  16. I have tons of hens&chicks. D/A, you are welcome to them. Come back to Racine and get some! I just dug out a bunch of them for a friend, and you wouldn't even know... they just spread back out.

    My moss roses come back (along the house where the brick is warm) when the winter is mild. The rabbits or chipmunks have been eating them again from my planter boxes, though. I have more trouble with wildlife than anyone I know!
