Friday, August 12, 2011

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a sunny week of overtime...Wish I could say TGIF, but I've got more of the same tomorrow...Anyways, here are some random questions.

1) Who was your celebrity idol when you were a kid?

2) What was the most interesting vanity license plate you have seen?

3) How do you like your steak done?

4) Have you ever gone canoeing, kayaking or tubing down a river or lake?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I'll start us off:

    1. Paul McCartney
    2. I don't remember them
    3. Medium Rare
    4. Love to kayak and canoe. I don't go tubing, not a fan of the wipe out- and that is really the goal of the driver, isn't it?

  2. Wow, I get to be second to KK. I'm in heaven.
    1. Raquel Welsh
    2. Assman
    3. With mashed potato & gravy and baked beans & garlic bread with some veggies. Oh medium rare. Damn, now I'm hungry.
    4. No, but I've been on a ponton boat drinking beer, I thought that was exciting.

    Thanks for the questions Drew, sorry about the workload.

  3. 1) ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd!

    2) Cops and Donuts!

    3) Medium Well!

    4) No I haven't but would love to try it but not the tubing!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

  4. 1. Didn't have any.
    2. Ditto what KKD said.
    3. medium rare
    4. Yes.

  5. 1. George Harrison
    2. All Mine (it was on a Mercedes)3. Medium
    4. Never have but like Jedwis was out on a pontoon boat which was fun.

    Thanks Drew!

    Jedwis - now I'm hungry too.

  6. 1)The Three Stooges
    2)L A F
    3)Dis-attached from the four legs, head and tail
    4)Yes My friend and I were looking for a the northwest passage to the Pacific via the Root River.

  7. 1) That's a damn good question. My idol probably changed daily, but overall I'll agree with logjam and say the Three Stooges.

    2) Amongst a certain group of friends, I have the nickname "Reverend" or "Rev" or "Revvy." (Decades ago, I paid a few bucks to become a minister of some mail order religion.) One of those friends emailed me a photo of a car in Milwaukee with vanity plates that said REV and my first name.

    3) Medium.

    4) I've been in a canoe a few times. A friend took me out on the Root River in his canoe. We put in at Lake Michigan and went up the mouth of the river. I felt extremely small and vulnerable as larger boats passed us by.

  8. 1. Jane Wymann (one n, two ns, ?

    2. Don't know

    3. Medium Rare or even a bit less.

    4. Yes, I hate canoes, and tubes now.

  9. 1) Go ahead and laugh-Ace Frehley, the spaceman guitarist for KISS.

    2) I once saw a license plate that said LED ZEP on the way to see Jimmy Page and Robert Plant at a concert in Chicago.

    3) Medium

    4) My neighbors Up North have a ski boat that they let me ride in all time. My folks used to own a pontoon boat.

    As for canoeing, my folks used be avid about the sport. I used to on trips with them on the Wisconsin, Wolf, Oconomawoc and Root Rivers. Of they would do that a step further by spending a week in Boundary Waters-thats on the Minnesota/Canada border.

    I went tubing down the Apple River in Northwestern Wisconsin. Was fun! Never went kayaking...

  10. Drew... It is what it is...Funny about the Led plates, I remember a trip I took in college, four guys in a camaro, the only tape we had was "physical grafitti" God I love Led Zepplin.

  11. Toad... I don't know about the "n's" I think they were double "D's"

  12. Physical Graffiti is one of my all time favorite albums, jedwis. Not a single wasted note there.
