Friday, August 12, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

It looks like SER is kicking back for the weekend.


  1. how stylish SER :)
    Happy Friday everybody.
    Rain, rain, stay away, I have plans on Saturday!

  2. I bow to you o mghty ONE!!!We are two birds on the top branch!

  3. Morning all. I think that lucky SER kicks back most every day.

  4. Enjoy the weekend everyone, just like my buddy SER, I will be kicking back as well. LM, I am doing my anti-raindance for you, it is quite a thing of beauty, no canopy tent required.

  5. I wish I could kick back. Since I got my job I have house cleaning to do this weekend and grocery shopping. Then after that is all done I can kick back. I have been slacking all week.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

  6. no rain would be a great thing :)

  7. I had the neatest thing happen to me before I left for work. I was inside by the back door watching a hummingbird at the feeder. He saw me watching him and he flew over by the window and for about 15 seconds we both watched each other. Then he flew away. They truly are beautiful little creatures.

  8. Mary...I think the little guy wanted to thank you for putting the feeder up and keeping it full & clean. Nice job.

  9. The prize patrol still hasn't shown up with that big cardboard check yet. KK you want to get on it please.

  10. logjam, the JTI Prize Patrol has a habit of wandering off to the nearest watering hole whenever they have a big check in hand. If you hurry, you might catch them before they drink it all up.

    Mary, very cool about the hummingbird. I had a landscape client who had them. I loved working in the beds with the hummingbirds buzzing around.

    I know I'll have to water my tomatoes anyway, so I'll go along with no rain tomorrow.

  11. It's raining, It's pouring, my love life Is boring me to tears, after all these years.

  12. And, I quote, "I wanna change my answer. It's an LSD trip." Is someone trying to game the JTI Prize Patrol? We run a {cough}clean game in these here parts.....

  13. Has anyone else seen the "Irregular Times" web page besides me? It's a political page of some sort.


    Cool find, Toad. Their headlines ("144th Way to Exasperate a Liberal: Play Who’s the Socialist on Taxes") make me think they lean to the right.

  15. There were a couple "irregulars" websites when I checked. I believe we are the original... and the most irregular! Maybe we should have copyrighted the name?

    “There are no original ideas. There are only original people.” – Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

  16. Orb's, No, they are Liberal. If you look at the upcoming protests, I guess It's pretty obvious. I though maybe you folk's that started this blog, could file a BILLION dollar lawsuit?
