Friday, September 30, 2011

Are You Going to Party on the Pavement?

Tomorrow is the big event in Downtown Racine: Party on the Pavement.
Are you going?

I don't plan on attending. I've gone in years past, but not in recent years. I don't like crowds and it gets more crowded every year. That's good for the event, but not for me. I also bump into people I don't particularly want to see.

I hope for good weather for Party on the Pavement and I hope that all those who attend have a great time.


  1. There is hardly any parking there and I don't want to walk 10 blocks. Lazy is my middle name...which is funy because one of my cards accidently put an 'L' as my middle initial. Surprising the junk mail I got with that initial. One even had it as "LX". Weird, huh?

  2. Gee, I never thought about parking because I could walk there. I suppose the ramps fill up fast. I was surprised to learn that they are drawing up to 12,000 people for First Fridays. [] Where do those people park?

    I regularly get two pieces of mail from Peter Popoff (faith healer, televangelist): one with my first initial and last name, another with my first and middle initials and last name. I love getting stuff from those guys.

  3. To qualify my NO vote. IF I lived In Racine, I wouldn't go.

  4. I have gone in the past but not anymore, to me it’s a zoo.

    Now that it appears to be profitable for the city you can bet your bottom dollar the city council will fuck it up like everything else.

  5. I went last year and had a good time.

    This year, my girlfriend has to work on that day and I'm reluctant to go without her. Just doesn't feel right going out and having a good time knowing that she is working. Yet, she insists that I go anyways. We'll see...

  6. drew, you have to go as the JTI's official reporter and photographer. Remember last year? You had a great shot of the Ferris wheel that malfunctioned:

  7. We need to work up a lanyard and a photo ID for drew so he can get journalist clearance for the closest shots.

  8. I can not go I have to work. I wish I could go. I went last year and I had a great time.

  9. I have a lanyard that advertises Toyota and a police ID the has my pic on it. Would that do for Orbs?

  10. If I moved fast enough I could have gotten a picture of a Racine Police Officer liftin a leg at a light pole....a few yrs ago

  11. I was out awhile ago. I can hear the music stages outside. They got a good day for it.
