Friday, September 30, 2011

Christmas in September

I just got back from the K-Mart on the north side of Racine. They have their Christmas decorations up. I spoke briefly with the man putting up the displays. He said he started assembling trees last week.

I believe this is the earliest I have ever seen a store start pushing Christmas. Why don't they just leave the decorations up all the time and pimp Christmas 365 days a year?


  1. I noticed Farm & Fleet has the middle all blocked off for their Christmas stuff already.

  2. I recall the trees and decorations being up before Halloween last year, as well. Christmas used to be one of my favorite holidays. Lately, with the push to get you to buy, buy, buy and spend more, more, more... (and that is all that it is) I would rather not even celebrate. I might be in the market for a festivus pole.

  3. Sassa, I rarely get out to Farm and Fleet anymore, but I thought of them when I saw the K-Mart display. They were always early with the Christmas stuff.

    I saw back-to-school sales in early July. The marketing is nuts. At some point, I believe, it starts to alienate some customers.

    When you checkout at K-Mart, they always ask if you want to add your email address to your Rewards Card. Never! I once was bombarded with K-Mart spam. I unsubscribed numerous times, but the spam kept coming. I finally complained to the FCC and that straightened things out. That kind of "marketing" I can do without.

  4. I personally think It SUCKS, Orb's.

  5. last year if I remember right, some time in October x-mass music started playing on the radio and in stores!

  6. I think Hobby Lobby has had their stuff up for a month or two now if I remember correctly.

  7. Yeah Hobby Lobby usually sets up their Christmas stuff in July.. I still remember the first time I saw that.. It was really hot outside and I broke out into a sweat just from the car to the store and it was like a smack in the face when I got in there.. Sweat still dripping down my back and I'm staring at a Christmas tree pretty much first thing I see..

  8. I was at Wal-Mart Thursday and they had their Christmas stuff up already. I remember for the last two years it has been up before Halloween. This is just crazy let each Holiday come one at a time not three at one time.

    I agree with KK they just want you to keep buying more even if you can not afford the things.

  9. Why Not - you are so right. I went to Hobby Lobby this summer when it was 105 outside and there was Christmas stuff. I have to admit though, after suffering through all the heat this summer, the decorations gave me hope that cooler temperatures were ahead.

  10. I need to get out more. I didn't realize that all the other stores already have their Christmas decorations up. Like I said, they should just leave them up year round.

  11. First... I don't buy anything from a store that calls it "X-Mas"
    Second... I'm with KK " Happy festivus to the rest of us"
    Third... That woman looks too happy holding those...ummm...ornaments. lol
