Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Law firm representing John Dickert subpeona’s Racine Uncovered!"

"I have been served with a 6 page subpoena from the law firm representing John Dickert (which is attached) I have been subpoenaed to appear for a deposition on September 20th. This is in regards to the slander lawsuit filed against John Dickert for his alleged comments made during a WRJN Mayoral Candidate Forum.

"They are wanting all information relating to confidential sources, email communications, interviews with people, They are asking questions about anything I had to do with Eric Marcus (I endorsed him for Mayor), anyone that reads this site has seen the comments that if need be I would have run for Mayor. I have even said that I would have endorsed Satan over John Dickert. What I do isn’t politically motivated. Its about accountability and doing what’s right for this city (the only thing they haven’t asked for my DNA)…."

As I said in my comment on the Racine Uncovered site, I consider this a threat to the Racine blogging community and to free speech. It is an intimidation tactic by a bully. All I can think of is a paranoid Nixon making his "enemies list." I am so ashamed for Racine.


  1. Paid for your time, and travel etc. Are you also represented by Mr. Bielefeldt's attorney?

  2. What are you talking about? What travel? Who would pay me? I don't have an attorney. I'm a guy posting comments and blogs from his apartment.

  3. This is crazy. I haven't yet read the link to Racine Uncovered's site. I will go read the full story. So now one gets a subpena because it is "criminal enough" behavior to read blogs and post your opinion?

    I don't go to the RU site, I don't go to the JT site, the news is just too damn depressing. What has happened to jobs in this city is criminal. The cuts to education, the proposed legislation for further cuts to health care and the elderly.... I watch the 5pm news from MKE and just shake my head.

    Here is my disclaimer, certified by the JTI law firm, Dewey Cheetham and Howe: After the blizzard, I was accused of being sweet on Dickert... I can't afford to miss work and go tell them the truth that I don't know anything about anything.

  4. Orb's, I thought that when a prosecutor subpoenaed someone, they have to pay for time and travel. I read the subpoena, and It's In Milwaukee. WHY do you have to absorb the expense? I know your just a blogger, which makes me wonder HOW they can expect to ORDER you to show all of your confidential information? Isn't blogging protected by law? I guess I just don't get It?

  5. Oh, I'm sorry, Toad, you misunderstood. This story is about Racine Uncovered, not me or the JTI. She's been subpoenaed. The link to her subpoena shows a check for $31, which I assume is for expenses:

  6. I wasn't worried. I would worry more If you were let loose. LOL. I saw the check, but no name, and, why I thought It was you I really don't know. I was kinda wondering why on her page, you were Orb's Corb's and she was RacineUncovered. I should have known when I saw It. Aside from that, What good Is $31.00 to go to Milwaukee?

  7. It's the same with jury duty. I forget what they pay, but it's very little.

  8. enicar333's comment on the Racine Uncovered story contains a very pertinent quote:

    "First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    "Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    "Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    "Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me."

  9. Shushing voices through intimidation is unforgivable. Unchecked power is dangerous.

    Sneaky Pete, those are powerful words. I've heard them many times before. I was tempted to post them myself.

  10. I have no idea why, but this song came to mind when I was reading this blog......

    Tie Me Kangaroo Down

  11. Oh no, I clicked on the link and now that song is stuck in my head.

  12. KKdither, "How do I know If I have been SLAPPED" I guarantee I would know. Kinda funny.

  13. Dickert looks quite desperate with this move. He should be recalled since he is a total failure as mayor and not very bright with the comments he made on WRJN.
