Friday, September 2, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Go, Goofy, go!


  1. Doesn't really feel like Friday. last week's felt like a Saturday too.

  2. Ms Froggy... Does your computer clock flash 12:00AM all the time?
    Everyone have a positive and productive Friday & a safe and enjoyable weekend. I hear SER is cleaning the outhouse so get those nose thingys out.

  3. I hope everyone has a safe and great weekend!

  4. Jedwis - it does not, I just happen to be on my computer around that time. Things will most likely change when school starts up next week. Fridays will probably be my only day being first.

  5. I'm finally up, well, eyes are open, don't feel awake quite yet. I was awake for 21 hours yesterday and slept like a tired bear during a hard winter, caffeine in hand, will feel awake eventually :)

  6. Happy Friday everyone and have a great holiday weekend. 90's today and 60's by Labor Day.

  7. I've been chasing kids to class.... no computer. Egad.
    Three day weekend. Be safe. I have a wedding to attend... ahem.

  8. KK... you need one of those i-pod thingys with internet capabilities.

  9. Yeah, a smart phone, right? A couple of years ago, I took a friend and her son on a short trip that I thought would be interesting. He spent the entire time online on his smart phone. Anything we commented on, he immediately Googled and gave us facts and minutiae.

  10. Aw, kk.... :(

    Maybe you could "get hurt" while on the job and collect disability. And then, what the heck, sue them, too. Everyone else does it. The day after your injury, you will be contacted by the first wave of ambulance chasing law firms. I recommend Wangle, Finagle & Settle
